RCON (Remote Console) is used to change the server side variables or settings by using an admin password.
rcon_password yourpassword - Login to rcon with your rcon password to gain access to all the rcon commands.
rcon changelevel mapname - This command allows you to change the map.
rcon status - Lists the current players names with id and wonid.
rcon kick name - If you need to kick a player replace name with the players name.
rcon kick#number - If you need to kick a player replace number with the players number.
rcon banid time #number - If you need to ban a player replace time with the amount of time you would like to ban them.
rcon sv_password password - To password protect the server replace password with the games password.
rcon sv_restart time - Resart the game, both teams scores are reset as is money. replace time with a value upto 10.
rcon sv_restartround time - Resart the round, replace time with a value upto 10.
rcon mp_friendlyfire number - Replace number with 1 to turn friendly fire on or 0 to turn it off.
rcon say text - Sends a message from the server admin to the screen which all players can read. replace text with the message.
rcon mp_winlimit x - This, of course, is an integer (whole number). When a team reaches this amount of wins (before the timelimit or the roundlimit is reached), it has won the map. 0, or disabled, is the default.
rcon mp_autoteambalance x - This variable is defaulted to 1. Toggles the forcing of clients to join teams to make it balanced - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 ='off'.
- rcon, comandos, HL, Half Life
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